Monday, March 19, 2007

New England Skiing

This past Saturday Pat's Peak was kind enough to let slide repeatedly down it's back with sticks strapped to our feet. Jen and I joined a group of about 20 from Calvary Chapel in the City to Henniker, NH for an afternoon of cold fun. The mountain (hill) was beautiful and the skiing was surprisingly good. We were fortunate enough to be hit by a Nor'easter all day Friday which dumped over a foot of fresh powder on the slopes, so we didn't have to experience the infamous icy Appalachian slopes.

We were invited to join Calvary by two of our good friends, Joel and Shoba. Joel's in the biomedical engineering program with me, and we were fortunate (blessed) enough to discover we both belong to the same Lord. As far as we know we're the only Christians in the department (I hope I'm wrong), so we're trying to be salt and light as best as we can. Having a friend and ally around is a great blessing. What's even better is that they play (and actually like!) Settlers of Catan, so I might actually eventually get to play with someone. [Actually Adam and Krista like Settler's also, but they don't live here yet. Coincidentally both couples share a last name--perhaps I've stumbled on something. On a side note, Adam and Krista will be up here in less than two weeks looking for apartments! They'll be Quincians in no time.]

So, all told, New England skiing wasn't nearly as disappointing as I had expected it to be; in fact, it was great! Hopefully we'll even do it again soon, but I think Jen wants to take me cross country skiing first. Sounds like fun.

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At 3/19/2007 2:32 PM, Blogger Meg said...

Aww, you guys look so cute! And just think, you can have a party and the Spencers and the Spencers can play settlers with you while I eat your food and watch TV. That way, everyone wins.

At 3/19/2007 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taylor and Jen - thanks for the props on your site :). I glad we all finally met a few weeks back (too bad I didn't make it to the BME retreat!!). I guess now that you posted on your site that we play Settlers, I will HAVE to give in and at least play once! Have a great week if we don't see you.


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