Saturday, August 19, 2006

Thoughts On Insomnia

It's early, 5:45, and I've been up since about 1:00. I can't sleep and the sun is starting to rise. I've never really had a problem with insomnia before, but I'm glad I've experienced it. I can see why it's such a predicament for people. I must say I've enjoyed it though--but I am ready to sleep now. So here I sit with some tea1 and my thoughts. "Perhaps writing them out will help," I thought, so here I am. I'd appreciate some feedback on what I'm about to say though (if I say crazy things then I blame sleep deprivation).

Over the last few hours my mind has had a chance to roam without all the normal distractions--like light. Now that I again have light I see that the notes I made aren't going to do me much good. Moving on.

Here's my question: "On the New Earth will we sleep?"
I don't think we will.

Here's why:

  • On the new earth there will no longer be night. With the time for sleep removed it seems that sleep might go along with it. [Revelation 21:25, Revelation 22:5]
  • Sleep seems to be a shadow (perhaps an echo) of death, and thereby a result of the fall. Genesis 2 seems to imply that perhaps Adam hadn't slept until "the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep." [if you'd like to read it yourself]
  • While we sleep we dream. Dreams (both the fun and the horrifying) are constructions of our mind of alternate reality. Once we've entered into true reality then there will be no reason for our minds to construct other options. (Don't read that I think imagination will be abolished along with sleep--imagination is one of the greatest gifts God has given us and I seem no reason we won't continue to use it in the world to come.)
  • Sleep is a non-productive time. Nothing is accomplished either for good or ill aside from allowing our bodies to rest and recuperate (regenerate?). With death and decay no longer around will we need whatever happens while we sleep2? We'll be working on the new earth and I believe we'll experience joy beyond what is available in this world while doing it and praising God. Sleep would seem like a curse if it removed us from that. [Revelation 22:3-5 again--we "will serve him" and "we will reign"]

What do you think?

Well, the sun is up and the birds are singing. I think I'm going to have a hard time making it through today. I think a nap will be in order.


1. I've never really made tea for myself before. I did enjoy tea time while I was at the villa in Florence a couple years ago. I wanted a warm drink (and I don't drink coffee) so I thought I'd try some of Jennie's tea. I made it too strong. Perhaps I'll get it next time.

2. It seems we still don't know.

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At 8/19/2006 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I agree you're probably right and we won't need to sleep in heaven, part of me (the human finite side, perhaps?) is sad because I genuninely enjoy sleeping. Some, like my Taylor, feel it's a waste of time, but I feel like it's time well spent. Like eating chocolate.

At 8/19/2006 4:22 PM, Blogger Taylor W said...

I suppose I should mention that I've been reading a Randy Alcorn book titled Heaven which is a good, through, biblical look at what we can know about the other side of the grave. He repeats himself a lot, but I would still highly recommend it.

At 8/21/2006 7:54 PM, Blogger Taylor W said...

Come to think of it. I like sleeping too--perhaps we will.


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